

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Find Editor's Picks in Google News

Google News which has been around from 2002 has something new to offer and this time it has nothing to do with Robots. when they launched Google News said that the service was entirely based on algorithms  and no human was involved. In fact the page was entirely free from human intervention and it was a mix of computer algorithms without humans deciding which pages make it to the top of Google News. Human curation was not a factor but things are set to change with Google launching an entire section in the US edition of Google News called 'Editor's Picks'. Human Curation of news is actual very popular and a classic example of this is the Drudge Report run by Matt Drudge who sends more people to newspapers than Facebook and Twitter combined. Even Google has had to accept this fact - human editors are needed and that is because they can feel the pulse that machines can't.

How to search for Editor's Picks using Google News.
If you are based in the US then when you visit Google News it is found on the right-hand side column. If you live outside of the US you will need to click on go to Google.com found at the bottom of Google's homepage and then click on news. Once you reach the news section Editor's Picks are found on the right-hand side of the page.

Google says about editor's picks

Editors’ Picks is a feature that showcases original, innovative news content that a news publisher has on their site at any given time. This content may include long-form narrative articles, slideshows, interactive graphics, or video stories, just to name a few possibilities.

The links you see in Editors’ Picks are hand-picked by the news organization whose logo is displayed above the links. Google News does not select the articles.

The video below helps you adjust your personalized news settings on Google News.

An original post by


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