

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Google Doodle today celebrates Pierre de Fermat’s birthday

The Google Doodle today celebrates Pierre de Fermat's birthday with a logo and a hidden message in Fermat's Doodle. The message reads 'I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this theorem, which this doodle is too small to contain.' The Google logo today has a chalkboard with the Google name partly erased which also symbolically has the same number of letters as Google and looks a lot like the name Google. Pierre de Fermat was an amateur mathematician and lawyer whose most famous work was the theorem in which he states that ' no three positive integers x, y, and z can satisfy the equation xn + yn = zn where n is an integer greater than two.' Fermat is also recognized for his discovery of the smallest ordinates of curved lines, which is comparable to another branch of mathematics, the differential calculus. Apparently, Calculus is divided into two parts, the integral and the differential. Today is Pierre de Fermat's 410th birth anniversary.

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