

Friday, August 12, 2011

How to burn a site or blog feed using Google Adsense

Google gives site and blog owners to ability to monetize their site feed and thereby make money. Once a site or blog owner is accepted into the Adsense program, they can then burn their feeds with Google Adsense and being to make money. Previously while offering RRS site feeds owners and content creators were unable to make money off of it as their subscribers would view the feed and many times not click on the link to view the site on the web. offering a site feed is good and healthy it can also increase your online reputation as the more subscribers the more famous your site or blog is. Having a lot os subscribers though can cost you in terms of revenue. This is the precise reason as to why most sites will offer feeds and monetize the same using Google Adsense. The decisions as to whether you want to offer whole feeds or only summaries is a decision that the blog or site owner needs to make. it is however recommended to offer full feeds as it  has it's own advantages in the long run.

How to burn a site or blog feed using Google Adsense

1. Login to Adsense

2. Click on My Ads

3. Click on Feed Ads

4. Click on + New Feed Unit

5. Click on Burn New Feed

6. Provide your blog or website address. Google Adsense does the rest. Just enter your URL and click next

7. Make a note of your new feed address

8. Click next

9. You come back to the page you started from

10. Click on Save.

You're done, you will now need to propagate your new feed address to all your readers and subscribers. Start by offering a feed button or a subscribe button on your blog or website and let users and visitors subscribe and read your content daily or as an when you update your site.

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