

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to hide all platform activity on Faceboook

You know how cluttered your wall can become because of all those third-party Apps. You allow a lot of platform activity on Facebook and every time you start using a third-party app it gets posted to your wall. Platform activity would be when you start playing a new game and your Facebook wall will have a posting like 'ABC has started playing the new game' and things like that. This will not help however to remove you in-game notifications so if you are playing FarmVille you have already authorized the game to post to your wall and to stop game notifications coming to your wall you will need to follow a different procedure. This is to remove all platform activity and it also takes care of the new apps you join and ensure that they are not posting to your wall. Unless you allow a platform or an app to continue posting to your fb wall.

How to hide, stop, erase, remove, turn off all platform activity on Facebook
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on profile
3. Hover over you recent notification from an app or platform and click the (x) mark that appears
4. From the drop-down click on 'Hide all Platform Activities'

5. Under platform activity will no longer appear in your recent section on your wall, click on hide all
hide all platform activity on Facebook

6. You're done

You can also click on edit for a few more options.


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