

Friday, August 26, 2011

How to ignore people on Google+ and what happens

Google+ has introduced another new feature, the ability to ignore people. This is different from a block and is not as severe and harsh. This feature is if you want to ignore someone and not view their updates in your incoming stream. They will still be part of your circles but you can conveniently not view their posts.

How to ignore a person in Google+
1. You can ignore them from the Google+ bar or from your notification stream
2. Click ignore next to their name
3. You would then see a confirmation message
4. You can also click on incoming on the left and bar and then click ignore next to their name
5. You can also ignore people from your circles page. Click on circles and then highlight the people you want to ignore and then click ignore found on the top off the page

How to undo ignore on Google+
If you change your niimd and wish to reverse ignore and see these people and their posts once again you would need to.
1. Go to your circles page
2. Click on more actions
3. Click on view ignored
4. Click on unignore from here or by adding them back to a circle

What happens when you ignore someone on Google+
1. You won't see any of their posts in your incoming stream
2. You won't get notifications about their activities
3. You won't see them on your circles page
4. They will not be notified that they have been blocked.

Check out the video below to know more

An original post by


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