

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to know how hot your YouTube video is

YouTube has statistics to show you how your audience is interacting with your video. With a a feature called 'Hot Spots' you can now find-out how hot your video actually is. which parts of your video is engaging your audiences the most. Are they rewinding your video and watching it again and again or just dropping-off. Is you video watch for it's full length or do viewers start stop and move on. These statistics are really important because you can learn a lot from it. How to make a better video next time. what your audience actually want. Even how to write and better and more compelling title.

How to check your video Hot Spots on YouTube
1. login to YouTube
2. Click on your YouTube username
3. Click on Videos
4. Click on 'Insights' below the video you want to find hot spots for
5. You can now play your video beside the graph which shows the hot spots of the video

If you look at the graph above you will see on the left verticle link three measure, cold, average and hot. If you want to know how hot your video is you graph should start and stop in the hot zone. If you graph starts in the cold zone you video is not that hot and average carries the same logic. The graph shows the up and down viewership in relation to other videos of similar size and length. These analytics help you analyze the effectiveness of your video. 

The temperature icon show in the graph measures how hot your video is in terms of how good your your video's ability is at holding your viewers attention. So if your temperature bar is half shaded your video is doing better that videos of similar length at holding viewers attention. 

Note: Hot Spots will not be available for videos that have a view count of less than 300 views.

Read More: YouTube Support

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