

Sunday, August 21, 2011

HP TouchPad: Get yours now for $100

If you would like to order your HP TouchPad now for $99 you can head over to the HP site and order now. Best Buy in the US is also selling the HP tablet for $100. After the liquidation order from HP on it's WebOS devices prices have fallen and all of a sudden there is a rush to get one. Select Best Buy retailers will be selling the tablet on Sunday 21st Aug the 16GB and 32GB, for $100 and $150. 

How to find a sale and get a discounted HP TouchPad 

One of your best bets is to call your local gadget shop and check for deals on the HP TouchPad. The sales on the tablet are on fire in the UK, US and Canada. So if you have a few extra bucks why not get yourself one. It is a good price to pay for a decent device. 

You can check out the sales on the HP Website here

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