

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kindle Daily Deals - go live at approximately 12:00 A.M. Pacific time

Amazon now has a daily ebook deal for all their kindle books and there is a new deal every night.

How does the Amazon Kindle Daily Deal work

Everyday there is a new kindle deal announced and you have 24 hours to claim your deal. When you reach their site you will know how many hours you have before the daily ebook deal expires and if you like the deal you can pay for it and get your ebook. Amazon has already already made it's foray into the daily deals market  with Amazon Local. Amazon Local has now come to New York.

Today's kindle daily deal is the book 'Water For Elephants' and is priced at $2.99. So to get the best deal you will need to check in everyday and find out what the best deal is. If you would like to bookmark the Kindle Daily Deals page please find the link here

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