

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Video: How Google makes improvements to its search algorithm

Here is a short video posted by the Google team to explain more about how their search algorithm works and what goes into it before internet users are allowed to use it. The team says that each algorithm update goes through rigorous scientific testing and search algorithms can change every day. Google also says that each year the search giant implements about 500 improvements to its search algorithms.

Google Search Algorithms are step by step procedures built and written to perform a certain task , especially a recursive computational procedure. These set of mathematical instructions enable Google to determine which pages and sites rank highest on it's search engine. Site and blog owners are dependent on this to ensure that optimum traffic is passed on to their site from Google. The video below explains a little bit more about how they go about analyzing and deciding which features to release onto the search engine and the kind of testing that's involved.

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