

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wooden iPad [Photos]

Scammers have taken a South Carolina women for $180 and sold her an iPad - a wooden one. Know as a variation of the 'brink in a box' scam. Where the buyer orders an iPad but receives just a brick in the box. Ashley McDowell reported that she was approached by two black males who said they have bought iPads in bulk and were willing to sell her a piece for $300. Saying that she had only $180 on her the con men agreed to sell it to her. But when she opened the FedEx box containing the iPad all she found was the piece of wood with the Apple logo. There was also a Best Buy sales sticker on it. In fact it looks like a replica of the iPad complete with Safari icons and all. Scammers don't go to such lengths to come up with something that looks original  In fact the brick in the box scam is exactly what it sounds like, you get an actual brick in the box.

The wooden iPad

Copy of the complaint filed

A display piece that was never meant to work sipped to customer

Brick in the box

An original post by


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