

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Amazon to open a digital-books library [Report]

Image: Unesco

According to people familiar with the matter, Amazon is in talks with books publishes to open a NetFlix Inc. type service which would allow users to read these books by paying an annual fee. Publishes though do not seem to happy with the idea as it might actually lower the value of the books they feel. Amazon on the other hand seems to be pushing this more for older tittles. This however will benefit readers as they get to choose what they want to read and rent it our for a few days. Users can browse through the library content and take their time in selecting books they would like to read. However how will this benefit publishers., with sales of real books falling and the sale of e-books rising. Publishers it seems are not attracted to such a proposition and would rather that people actually go out and by their books. which also makes a lot of sense as some effort should be involved in getting nice books. This also leads to word of mouth sales and the whole thing associated with buying and reading good books. What do you think about such an idea please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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