

Friday, September 2, 2011

Apollo 18 - It's not real

Apollo 18 the movie which has been marketed with the message that is culled footage from NASA, turns out to not be true. NASA the agency which usually works along with movie producers has backed away from this project. NASA believes that working along with movies and documentaries is good because it keeps the romance of space alive in the public's eye.  Last year, NASA collaborated on nearly 100 documentaries, 35 TV shows and 16 feature films.

Apollo 18 real or fake?

The Los Angeles times reports '"Apollo 18 is not a documentary," said Bert Ulrich, NASA's liaison for multimedia, film and television collaborations. "The film is a work of fiction, and we always knew that. We were minimally involved with this picture. We never even saw a rough cut. The idea of portraying the Apollo 18 mission as authentic is simply a marketing ploy. Perhaps a bit of a 'Blair Witch Project' strategy to generate hype."

The movie however has got movie goes excited and is shot in the style of a documentary. Twitter users were the first to start the topic 'Apollo 18 is fake' and it turns out to be true with NASA not willing to add any credibility to the movie. Please share your thoughts on the same in the comments section below. 

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