Tuesday, September 13, 2011

AttackWatch.com to help Obama supporters fight back

AttackWatch.com is live and sponsored by President Obama. The purpose of the site is to keep watch on all presidential attacks on the web. The site has been built to help Obama supporters keep a watch on what is happening and get resources to fight back. With all that is happening right now the site is being sponsored by the president. If you would like to follow 'Attack Watch' on Twitter you can use the Hashtag #AttackWatch. The Twitter account says that the account helps supporters fight back with the facts. The website also allows users to report back to the President on attacks as they happen in real-time using the email form or by Tweeting. You Can also send in your donations to help stop the attacks. The site also has a news feed where you can follow all that is happening, there are also Attack Files to read what is being said against the president on the web. You can report an attack using the webform. The site can keep campaign supports busy with all the is happening for and against the president and those who do not like it will find all the source of information here. 

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