

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bleeko: Search Engine without spam

Bleeko is a web search engine self styled lower case Bleeko. The site seeks to provide better results that popular search engine Google. They have about 3 billion trusted sites that they search from. They do this with the promise that websites like content farms and known spam sites get obliterated. The company groups webistes with an innovation known as slashtags. 

What are slashtags?
Slashtags according to Bleeko are self-styled custom-search engines. Websites are grouped together as topics with the '/' before them. So if you search for health you only get websites from trusted sources in regards to health. After signup users get to create their own slashtags.

What is Bleeko and how deos it work?
Bleeko is a websearh engine that has been created to completely cut-out spam, malware and content farms sites. Therefore the results you get a from sites that a free of all kinds of spam and in a way are already certified and trusted by Bleeko. These sites are already sites that have a lot of trust and Bleeko seeks to exploit their content. 

Bleeko also has a Web search bill of rights:

Search shall be open
Search results shall involve people
Ranking data shall not be kept secret
Web data shall be readily available
There is no one-size-fits-all for search
Advanced search shall be accessible
Search engine tools shall be open to all
Search & community go hand-in-hand
Spam does not belong in search results
Privacy of searchers shall not be violated

An original post by


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