

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Employer rehires employees who vented on Facebook

This is not a new story at all a couple of co-workers took to Facebook to vent and crib about their boss. The  non-profit who they work for, finds out and gives them the pink slip. This happened in 2010 and has since been in court. After the employees were fired their jobs who not filled but distributed to other workers. The workers had taken their case to the National Labour Relations Board and this is what came of it. The judge ruled that since they had friended each other and the discussion was among themselves it did not constitute to what the company termed in their social media policy as 'Cyber Harassment'. Employees have a right to  “protected concerted activity” in other words there is no harm if employees are talking among themselves. They have the right to talk about working conditions among themselves and therefore needed to be re-hired. 

All this might sound like good news but you still need to be careful. Discussing things in the open while being friends with others from the same company and even your boss as a friend is not a good idea. 

An original post by


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