

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Facebook Activity Log: What it is and how it works

The Facebook activity log is a feature found in your Facebook timeline. The name itself suggest what the feature would be associated with - Your entire activities on Facebook from the beginning of time. So what all can you do with this feature.

1. Scroll through a history of all your activity on Facebook

2. View and approve your pending posts

3. Filter the type of activity you see, eg. see either all your status updates or all the links you've shared. 

4. Choose which stories are featured on your Timeline.

This is the place you would need to go to decide what to display on your Facebook timeline. So as soon s you get the new Facebook timeline in your profile this will become a very important part of your Facebook Timeline setup.

How to adjust your activity log settings on Facebook. Choose what stories appear, who you want to share with. Delete posts and how to remove an App from your account.

You can also click the  to the right of each story. Depending on the story type (ex: status update, photo, app story), you may have the option to:

  • See the audience you shared

  • Delete posts

  • Report a post or mark it as spam

  • Change the date of a story

  • Remove an app from your account

How to adjust your posts and locations on the Facebook timeline. 

To view the location of a post (if available) or any Likes and Comments, look for the  underneath the post itself (ex: the photo thumbnail). Hover over these icons to see a summary of the information (ex: the names of who commented), or click the icon to see details (ex: what the comments were).

Read more at the Facebook help center

An original post by


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