

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Facebook Ticker: How does it work

This week has been a big one in social media with Google+ and Facebook making a lot of announcements and adding a host of new features. Facebook has just updated their lists and added the all new subscriptions button. And just a few days after that Facebook has two more announcements to make the all new Ticker and News Feed update.

Facebook wants your news feed to be link your newspaper. As soon as you login to Facebook all the top stories will await you in your news feed. The Facebook algorithm will show you all the top stores and headlines from your friends activities on the social site. 

How does Ticker work on Facebook

fb says that the all new ticker will allow users to connect with their friends in real-time. The Ticker will work a little differently that your News Feed. Unlink just seeing updates that appear in your news feed the Ticker will help you connect and show your your friends updates in real-time. This is what Facebook says about the new Ticker."Ticker shows you the same stuff you were already seeing on Facebook, but it brings your conversations to life by displaying updates instantaneously. Now when a friend comments, asks a question or shares something like a check in, you'll be able to join the conversation right away. Click on anything in ticker to see the full story and chime in – without losing your place."

How to view real-time updates on Facebook Ticker

There is a new link just above you ticker bar on Facebook which says " See what your friends are up to right now, Hover or click here for more details'. Click on any of the stories listed on the ticker to read the latest.

Source: Facebook Blog

An original post by


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