

Friday, September 23, 2011

Facebook Timeline: How it works

After the f8 developers conference the main attraction that came out was the Facebook will get a new Timeline. In other works you are getting a whole new profile page and you had better like it. well it is not really all that bad and has a way of converting all Facebook users into curators of their Facebook lives. With the new profile you have space which is being called a cover. Therefore right on the top of your profile you now have more space to place a large photo of yourself, as a welcome sign. The Facebook timeline has been divided into three parts.

What is Facebook Timeline and how does it work

1. The Cover: Represents a wide and open space to fill in with your best image. Will definitely become a big hit with Facebook users as people find more and more creative uses for it.

2. Your Stories: This section allows you to highlight your most memorable posts and photos etc. This can be from the beginning of time when you started using the service. Now if you have been a longtime user of Facebook and there are posts in there you do not want your current friends to see, you can get rid of it. Facebook will give you the option to choose what shows up. With this service you can see everything you have done from the time you joined Facebook and arrange things in such an order that when people visit your profile they can see a timeline of your events and all that you have been up to on Facebook. There are privacy options so no problem. Let your creative juices flow. You can choose to highlight certain likes and friends and a whole lot of options.

3. Your Apps: Show your friends which movies you watched on Netflix, what music you have had on repeat and a whole other range of Apps. This part of your profile will be to share all your activities related to movies, music and travel etc. Pretty neat and this is really social sharing.

To view pics and screenshots please check the video below.

An original post by


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