

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Facebook will be sending you less email - learn why

This is the message that Facebook users have been receiving today. Facebook has been using this week to launch a whole new set of features and developments, all this ahead of the f8 developers conference they will be having on 22 Sep. This latest feature is a message from fb saying that all mails will be condensed into one and instead of receiving multiple emails. Users will now receive only one email with information that they deem really important. 

So if you are one of those people who have all your individual email notifications turned on. You are about to be missing those emails, and if you want to keep it that way. You can still head back to your settings page and turn them back on. 

Please find below a copy of the email Facebook has been sending users.

We're trying out a new feature to reduce the amount of email you receive from Facebook. Starting today, we are turning off most individual email notifications and instead, we'll send you a summary only if there are popular stories you may have missed.
You can turn individual emails back on and restore all your original settings at any time.
The Facebook Team

An original post by


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