

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Forbes 400: Mark Zuckerberg now ahead of Google Founders on Forbes Rich List and Vanity Fair

Forbes has come out with its annual list of richest Americans, and coming in a number 14 is Mark Zukerberg, followed by Google Founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page coming in at no 15 and 16 respectively. Making him one of the youngest billionaires in America. With an estimated fortune of $17.5 billion, Zukerberg breaks into the ranks of richest Americans. The Forbes 400 is the definitive list of wealth in America, profiling and ranking the country's richest citizens by their estimated net worths.

Mark Zukerberg comes it at no. 1 on the Vanity Fair New Establishment Top 50 list. Zukerberg seems to be doing the rounds everywhere in style.

Check out the top 10 listed below. Lady Gaga comes in at no 9. Making her the most powerful on the list.

1.    Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

2.    Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google

3.    Jeff Bezos, Amazon

4.    Tim Cook and Jonathan Ive, Apple

5.    Jack Dorsey, Square, Twitter

6.    Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz

7.    Reed Hastings, Netflix

8.    John Lasseter, Pixar, Walt Disney Animation Studios

9.    Lady Gaga, singer

10.  Dan Doctoroff, Bloomberg L.P.

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