

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Google+ How To Share A Circle

Google+ has rolled out a new feature the ability to share circles. This is a good way for users to share with their friends and other circles and even publicly share interesting people to follow. With the ability to share Google+ circles you can share your circles especially the amazing ones. There are users on Google+ who have created great circles with valuable information and amazing people to follow. Users like you have spent considerable time finding great people to follow according to topics that interest you and now you can share these circles with your friends and let everybody get some great content in their stream. 

One of the amazing features on Google+ is to find and follow very interesting people who churn out great content according to topics of interest. So if you are a photographer there are some amazing photographs being shared by some equally amazing photographers. If you have a great celebrity or music circle you can now share it with everyone. There are varied topics of interest and finding those topics and circled people has now become easier. Google+ lets you share your circles.

How to share a Google+ circle.

1. Login to Google+

2. Click on the Circles Icon

3. Click on the circle you want to share

4. Click the 'Share This Circle' link found on the right-hand corner just above the photos of all in your circle

5. Add a comment if you would like to.

6. You can now enter other circles you want to share with or specific people you want to share with or simply share it publicly. 

7. You're done

An original post by


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