

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Google+ Now Open To Everyone

Google+ has now ended its field trial and opened its doors to everyone. The fledgling social network has come out of testing and now anyone can join. It might also be mentioned that it is high time. This whole thing of invite only is loosing its shine and the reason is that when people are not able to get in with an invite they don't even come later.

Close on the heels of all the new features being rolled out this week by Facebook comes this open invitation to all. Facebook has been loosing no time in rolling out new features including improved lists, an improved news feed and a ticker.

This takes the competition to the next level. Google+ hopes to bring in all the new users as soon as possible and they better not waste time. Check out this excellent marketing and invite strategy by Google. When users visit www.google.com this is what they are greeted with.

There is an arrow telling people that they have been invited and I'm sure it cannot be missed. For all those people waiting to catch up and find out what the fuss is all about. Google+ is now open and there are some amazing features to play with and the battle is now on. Let's see where this whole thing is going to go. Game on.

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