

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hollywood Leaks - The new hacker group leaking juicy gossip

This is a spin-off from the hacktivist group Anonymous, who were responsible for the Bart Station protests. Their name of course is similar to wikileaks the site responsible for leaking many political sensitive documents on the internet. They also seem to own alligence to Lulz, whose last known acitivty and Twitter tweet was in July.

So what is Hollywood Leaks and what do they do
Hollywood leaks says that they are after scripts, gossip and taking over Twitter celebrity accounts. The group seems to be a loos knit band of internet troublemakers who have already been hard at work. Ensuring that they make celebrities sweat. In fact the script sent by Peter Shankman to his cast has been taken by the group and posted on The Pirate Bay. Cell phone numbers of a couple of famous people including  Miley Cyrus, Lil Jon, and Ashley Greene have been posted on Pastebin.com. After the recently concluded MTV Video music Awards, rapper Kreayshawn had her Twitter account taken over by the group,they then used the account to send nude pictures stolen from her cell phone to her 300,000 followers. You get the picture.

The group is slowly becoming popular on Twitter and have already attracted more than 5,000 followers. Please click here to check them out on Twitter. Their slogan being 'we do not forgive we do not forget expect us' which is a ripoff from AnonymousIRC. Fame and popularity seem to await hackers who like to be seen as hacktivists. 

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