

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to add a Subscribe button to your Facebook Profile

If you want to be found by other users on Facebook who are not your friends. And if you would like them or maybe should we say allow them to read your public updates you can now do so. What are the benefits you might ask. For one it will improve your popularity and if you do post a lot of updates that other users find interesting you will increase your influence on Facebook. You can add the subscribe button in one quick easy step. After which any updates you post on Facebook with the public setting will be viewed by your followers if we can call them that. 

It also brings about the ability to not use your Facebook profile as a page. Once you cross the 5,000 friends mark Facebook asks you to use your profile as a page. This new feature throws that out of the window. Now if people follow you it will not count towards your friend limit. To add the Facebook subscribe button to your profile you would need to go here and click on Allow Subscribers. 

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