

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to adjust Tagging privacy settings on Facebook

If you have a Facebook then you know that something that gets tagged the most are photos. But people on Fb can tag just about anything using the @mentions in a post you can tag another user, a page, a group and yes even a user who you do not know. There are some safety measure you can adjust in fb to prevent people from tagging you so you don't land in a fiasco.

How to adjust your tagged settings on Facebook

1. Login ot Facebook

2. Click on Account

3. Click on privacy settings

4. Click on edit settings beside 'How tags work'

5. From here you can choose your Facebook tagged privacy settings

From the above image you can see that you have four options.

a. Profile preview: Review all tags before they get posted on Facebook

b. Tag Review: Allows you to review all tags that friends want to add to your posts

c. Profile Visibility: Once you are OK with a tag and it appears on your Facebook wall, this option let's you customize who gets to see those tags. 

d. Tag Suggestions: Control weather friends get to see your name as a tagged suggestion when they are uploading photos.

e. Friends can check you into places: While using the mobile App you can control whether friends can check you into places they are visiting. 

6. Choose on or off wherever required. Once you are satisfied you can click 'Done'

7. You're done.

An original post by


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