

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to control two computers with a single keyboard and mouse

Mouse Without Borders is a Microsoft Garage project by Truong.  The guys at Microsoft have this to say about the Garage. 'The Garage is both a physical space in Building 4 at our Redmond HQ, and a company wide program that encourages grass roots invention, tinkering, ideas and incubation of projects'. 

What does mouse without borders help you do

With the software you can connect two or more pc's, in fact up to 4 of them and also throw in some LCD screens and you can control all of them as though they were one single desktop, all this using a single keyboard and mouse. This means that with Mouse w/o Borders you can drag and drop or copy and paste text, media, and all types of files across computers. You can slo lock all your pc's at once. Login to all your computers at once. Also send screen captures form one pc to another.All this works seamlessly. Works with Windows Based Computers. Try it out now. Read about it at the garage

An original post by


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