

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to download a copy of all your Facebook Data

If you would like to download all your information from Facebook you can do so in quick and easy steps. With this feature you can now get all your information and in fact move to another service. That was just one reason that come to my mind. There are many other reasons why people want to download and keep all their own personal data that have been shared on fb.  

How to download or Export my Facebook data

1. Login to Facebook

2. Click on the small down arrow next to home

3. Click on account settings

4. The last link below you Account Settings has 'Download a copy of all your Facebook data'

5. Click on it 

6. Start my archive

7. You will receive a message when your archive is ready for download.

What's in your archive?

Any photos or videos you've shared on Facebook

Your Wall posts, messages and chat conversations

Your friends' names and some of their email addresses

(Note: We'll only include email addresses for friends who've allowed this in their account settings.)

What's not in your archive?

Your friends' photos and status updates

Other people's personal info

Comments you've made on other people's posts

Caution: Protect your archive

Your Facebook archive includes sensitive info like your private Wall posts, photos and profile information. Please keep this in mind before storing, sending or uploading your archive to any other site or service.

When I download my information from Facebook, what is included in the file?

Your file will include the following information:

Your profile information (e.g., your contact information, interests, groups)

Wall posts and content that you and your friends have posted to your profile

Photos and videos that you have uploaded to your account

Your friend list

Notes you have created

Events to which you have RSVP’d

Your sent and received messages

Any comments that you and your friends have made on your Wall posts, photos, and other profile content

Your data will download as a zip file

You will be asked a lot of security questions before being able to download your data. This is to ensure that real person is downloading the data.

Source: Facebook Help

An original post by


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