

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Justin Bieber tech Startup Investor [Report]

Justin Bieber has a lot of money and Between May of 2010 and May of 2011 Justin Bieber made $53 million. Now that is quiet a tidy sum and it seems bad to just have it lying around. The Business Insider is reporting that Justin Bieber is now investing in Tech Startups. if that is to be believed adn if it is really true. The next teen investor is born. This is a trend that is becoming popular among celebrities, Ashton Kutcher is an investor in such startups as Hipmunk, Fashism, Fab and Airbnb. Justin Timberlake is an investor in Myspace.

The story about Bieber becoming an investor goes like this. A Justin Bieber video is circulating online of Justin playing basketball with NBA star Steve Nash. How is that important. One of the other players (In Blue)was Mike Duda , co-partner of Nash's venture capital firm, Consigliere Brand Capital. Consigliere has invested in three New York-based startups: Birchbox, StellaService and Chloe & Isabel.

Why would Justin Bieber spend the afternoon horsing around with investors?

What do you think about it, please leave your comments in the comment box below. 

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