

Monday, September 26, 2011

Parking Panda lets you earn money by renting your parking spot

If you've got a spare parking spot and would like to make some money by renting it out. Parking Panda is the deal for you. With Parking Panda all you need to do is to take a photo of your parking spot and upload it to the site with details such as the dates your parking space would be available and how much you would like to charge. Once the space has been booked and used, the owner will receive a check in the mail with the payment. The site also sports a mobile interface.Parking Panda will take a commission of 20% and the rest is sent to you. 

If you are looking for a parking space you can login to Parking Panda using your phone and you location will automatically be added. All you need to do is search for a space in your desired location and then click on the photo or a location to view more. You can then proceed to book the space for your mobile phone or the web. 

All-in-all a great idea although so simple it will surely be a win-win for all those involved. Parking Panda is currently available in Baltimore but coming soon to D.C. Philly and Boston. 

Parking Panda, you can also visit their Facebook page

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