

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Salman Rushdie joins Twitter @SalmanRushdie1

Image Credit: Salman Rushdie Twitter Account

It is really true the author who writes long novels that are famously hard to finish has join the micro-blogging platform Twitter. Reading his tweets are quiet interesting and yo see that the man is a brain and a thinker. Perhaps you might think that a person who writes so well will not be able to be as entertaining and cleaver given the fact that he has only 140 characters to say per Tweet. You could be right but 140 characters gives a person the chance to bring out their poetic side. And a good writer can say it all in a few works. We hope as well as others that the brainy prose starts to flow. Yes Mr. Rushdie we are all used to the banal tweets that so often flood out timeline. Perhaps now we get to fly the skies of brainy prose and amazingly poetic tweets. 'Today we move on from ontological questions. As Popeye the Sailor Man said, I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam.'

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