

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday Oct 4, Confirmed

Apple has finally confirmed the news that all Tech writers have been speculating about. Tuesday Oct 4, is the day for the special announcement. Apple has sent out the invite stating the next iPhone release will be on October 4  and will start at 10. am PT. Venue will be Apple’s Cupertino, Calif. campus. So for all those awaiting the big day when the iPhone5 will be launched, there is no more any need for speculation. It will be on Oct 4, 10 am at Apple's campus. 

So what can be expected at the launch event. Will Apple unveil its much-hyped, all new iPhone 5, aa updated iPhone 4S, a white iPod touch,the Facebook iPad app and new Facebook iPhone app update. This is what is believed to be in general what Apple will be announcing.

The only difference during this launch event will be the absence of Steve Jobs on stage, instead we will see Tim Cook his choose successor. Pressure will definitely be on the new man to bring with him the usual excitement that goes with a Apple Launch event. 

If you look at the invite it is plain and simple, Let's talk phone. There will definitely be a new phone and all the speculation and waiting will be rewarded. 

An original post by


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