

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Twitter reacts to Grid 10 Tablet Launch

JooJoo developer Fusion Garage has reveled itself as the secret developer behind TabCo. Their latest product the Tab10, a tablet running an Android based OS. The company has been using the promoted tweets option on Twitter and are now trending worldwide. The Tablet market is highly competitive and there are no end to tablets ending in disappointment on the consumer buying front. The operating system has been named as Grid OS.  The company did have a miserable start with the JooJoo unit that went down the drain.

Now the they have decided to launch the tablet via Twitter it is interesting to see how Twitter is reacting to the whole thing. 

Fun fact: The Grid 10 was named after the number of people who will ever know or care that it exists. #Grid10TabletLaunch
#Grid10TabletLaunch I will go check it out
What is Grid10? I don't care much for Tabs unless they're made by Apple. #Grid10TabletLaunch.
#Grid10tabletLaunch needs to stop trending
#Grid10TabletLaunch sorry, don't pay attention to other tablets unless its made by apple :) (iPad)

From the above it seems very clear that Apple has captured the Tablet market and the iPad fonboys don't want their domination to end any time soon. This also seems reasonable considering the fact that Apple came out with a tablet that captured the attention of people with all its design, functionality and apps. All other tablets seem destined to a fate of gathering dust on the shelves of Tech stores. If you would like to know more about the Tech Specs check out this article by Gizmodo

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