

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Video: Madonna hates Hydrangeas Internet Meme

All started with a video which we have posted below. A Fan goes up to her and gives her a bunch of Hydrangeas  She accepts it gracefully but while putting the flowers away she says "I absolutely loath Hydrangeas, he obviously doesn't know that'. Damage control is now on but who will repair the feeling of all the Hydrangeas in the world. 

 Her publicist has this to say "She's entitled to like any flower she wants and she didn't want to hurt the feelings of the hydrangeas of the world. No disrespect to the hydrangeas lovers of the world, but she prefers different types of flowers. 

This has started a new Internet meme, with videos appearing on YouTube making fun of that statement. In the video below shot in old school style you see Madonna showing love on a bunch of Hydrangeas before suddenly stomping on them and saying. 'F*** you it's a free world and I like roses'.

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