

Monday, October 10, 2011

Airtime the start-up from the guys who founded Napster

Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker the original founders of the peer-to-peer music sharing service Napster. have teamed up again to launch another project that has all the potential to go viral. Called 'Airtime' the service is modeled along the lines of Chatroulette with a huge difference. It will be Chatroulette with a social network attached. 

Unlike other social networks and we are not going to mention the names out here. Airtime will introduce random strangers to each other and group people according to common interests. 

The funding money comes from Founders Fund, Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Yuri Milner, Ron Conway, Marissa Mayer, Ashton Kutcher, will.i.am, Scott Braun (Justine Bieber's agent), and TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington. Look at the star studded list of people who are investing. will.i.am must have learnt a lot from all the hangouts he has been doing on Google+. This seems to be a venture that can sure get a lot of interest and people who would want to try it out. 

What is Airtime and how does it work

Complete details about the startup are still not clear and the founders do not want to give anything away. It however seems that it will all be around interests and what people like. The ability to find and network with random people and add them to your group and circle of friends. This is all speculation right now but this is the way this project seems to go. 

Check out their website now although there is nothing much to greet you other than 'airtime coming soon'. You can however signup to gain early access.

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