

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Facebook friends lists privacy settings

Facebook has moved the ability to edit your friends list to the top of each individual friends profile. If you want to unfreind someone then this is the way to go. All friend options that have been launched with the Smart Lists have now become more individual. So if you want to add a friend to one of your lists like 'Family' or ' Acquaintances' You will need to click on that persons profile go to their profile page and make your adjustments. 

How to adjust your Facebook friends lists. 

You will need to login to Facebook and click on the friend you want to make list changes to and then from the friend button on top you will need to hover. Once you hover you will get a number of options to choose from and you can then add to lists, unfriend or add to restricted list. 

You can then add the friend to one of your smart lists including custom lists you might have created. This is what you would need to do to add someone to your restricted, family or your custom lists. If you want to unfriend someone you can use this option to do so.  

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