

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Google+ choose who can send you notifications

Google+ have released a new updated, the ability to choose who gets to send you notifications. With this new settings you can set your notifications preferences to anyone, extended circles or custom. This is a shortcut and helps you customize who gets to send you notifications. You can also set it to only you and therefore you will not get any notifications from other people. Only get notified for activity you do. This is a fantastic and quick way to ensure that you do not get overwhelmed with Google+ notifications all the time. By default this is set to extended circles and you will need to change it from that to be notifications free on Google+. You will still be sent notifications if someone adds you to a Google+ circle. This is one notification you will not be able to turn-off.

How to adjust Google+ notifications settings

You can update your settings at https://plus.google.com/settings/plus.

This setting controls who you’ll get notifications from, if they:
• Share with you individually
• Select ‘Notify about this post’ (when sharing to a circle you’re in)
• +Mention your name
• Invite you to a hangout
• Invite you to play or send you messages from a game

People included in 'Who can send you notifications' are allowed to send you notifications for the following events:

  • A post is shared specifically with you or the sharer chooses to notify recipients.

  • You're mentioned in a post or comment.

  • Someone invites you to a game or shares something with you in a game.

  • You're invited to a hangout.

Source: Google+

An original post by


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