

Monday, October 24, 2011

Guerrilla Mail will give you a free one-hour Email address

Gureilla Mail is the answer if you need to use a temporary email address. This usually happens when users go to a particular site which they don't really know if is trustworthy. Many of these sites will require you to sign-in with your email ID. When you do this which seems to be legit enough, you don't really know if you are going to be hit with spam later. These disposable mail IDs can come in handy and save your real mail DI from getting unwanted spammy mails. It also saves you the trouble of creating a fake email ID to be used when visiting and singing-up on sites that are a little sketchy.

Gureilla mail will assign a email address from SharkLasers.com which will expire in 60 minutes. So the next time you would like to singup and need a temporary disposable email ID you know where to go. 

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