

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to create Fake and Funny Facebook Walls

By now if you are a regular user of the internet you have seen those fake and funny Facebook walls. Some of them are so popular that they get shared constantly on Facebook. This is a bit of creative fun that you could try if you have the imagination and humor to do so. Getting started is fairly simple and easy but the key is to be creative and funny enough. If you do manage to pull it off your friends and other people will share it countless times on Facebook and other Social Networking sites. 

Helpful tips to remember when creating your fake, funny and hilarious Facebook wall. 

You need to be relevant and cover a topic that is hot in the news. You would need to research it well before preparing your script. Remember your Fake Facebook Wall needs to catch the imagination of your friends and other people who see it. It will only be as popular as the number of likes it receives. Be funny but not too negative as this would put people off. This whole thing is just for a bit of fun and entertainment. So if you have the creativity you could head over to The Wall Machine or My Fake Wall to get started. You can also prank your friends with your fake Facebook walls.

Here are a few Fake Facebook wall images to help you get started.

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