

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to get your old Facebook back

If you have been led to this post because of the title than Facebook Classic is for you. This Chrome extension does one thing for you and that is restore your Facebook back to the classic version. It rearranges your news feed to the way things used to be with the most popular stories on the top and less important ones at the bottom. It does away with the Facebook ticker and removes the blue corner button beside Top stories and Recent Stories. 

You get the old look and feel back and that is what many Facebook users actually want. Facebook classic is a chrome plug-in that can be installed easily and brings back all the Facebook you were used to.

Facebook has delayed the launch of the Facebook Timeline because of a court case and there is no date as to when it will actually roll-out into user's profiles. In the meantime use this plug-in the enjoy the old Facebook. Get Facebook Classic now

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