

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to search Facebook Pages

Facebook now stores and has made searchable all popular pages. Most of us know that using the Facebook search bar can be quiet difficult to find what you're looking for. With the launch of the new Facebook Pages all pages have been grouped together and you can find your favorite pages all in one place. You can now find your favorite stars, celebrities, channel, entertainment, movies, TV Shows, mucisians  and famous personalities. You can browse through the complete section and choose which pages you would like to 'Lie'. Once you Like a page you will get regular updates each time the page is updated. 

It is being called Facebook discover pages and has been categorized into Music, Movies, Television, People,  Brands & Products, Companies & Organizations. You can use these categories to discover, find and search for Facebook pages. Facebook pages have been a hot feature for many brands and has helped them tremendously. In terms of popularity and business. Coco-Cola has a popular page on Facebook right now with over 34 million likes. YouTube has 45 million likes and iTunes has 17 million.

Brands and Celebrities have very popular pages, Lady Gaga's pages has over 44 million likes and Justin Bieber has 36 million likes. Facebook pages are great for business and the businesses that have millions of likes on their Facebook pages also have fantastic campaigns running to make their pages interesting and interactive. Discover Facebook Pages

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