

Monday, October 10, 2011

iMessage launching on Wednesday

iMessage will be out this week on Wednesday. We have already written about what iMessage is and how it works. Well just to recap iMessage is the messaging system that comes along with iOS 5. iPhone users can now send unlimited texts and messages to each other at no extra cost. Works on the lines of BlackBerry's BBM service. With the launch of iMessage, Service providers now have a cause for concern as people signup for texting plans but with iMessage you don't need a texting plan especially if most of you friends use iPhones. iPad and iPod users can also use the service if they upgrade their operating systems to the latest iOS 5. Once upgraded users can then send an unlimited number of texts and messages from their devices. 

This is a killer for Verizon which makes $7 billion a year from texting fees. So the waiting is over for iPhone users who have been waiting for this update and can now enjoy unlimited texting for free. 12 Oct, 2011 is the date and make sure your device has been upgraded to iOS 5 to avail the service. 

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