

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Facebook Game "The Secret Agent Scavengers"

This post is for those who appreciate and like to checkout new Facebook games. This game is known as 'The Secret Agent Scavengers' and has been created by Steven M. Johnson. The game promises to have less game updates that will be sent to your fb ticker and sidebar and you do not need to keep inviting friends to ensure game advancements. The game has also incorporated popular internet memes like Planking and Owling and you can share pictures of in-game planking and owling. The game itself follows a fun storyline,  "The Secret Agent Scavengers", an online scavenger hunt. As a secret agent, you must complete "missions" which will involve finding secret items, completing special tasks, or finding hidden places without having to leave your neighborhood and posting a picture or video of your finds. "Missions" vary greatly offering a ton of variety.

To kick off the launch of this new game, "The Secret Agent Scavengers" proudly presents "The Great Columbus Day Weekend Google Earth Hunt", where players will travel all around the globe without leaving your computer or smartphone. Search for 10 secret locations across the world via Google Earth with "virtual" (not real again) prizes and awards up for grabs. "The Great Columbus Day Weekend Google Earth Hunt" will take place from Saturday, October 8th-Monday October 10th. Check the game out on Facebook now

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