

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Occupy Wall Street now spreading across the US and Canada

After the Brooklyn Bridge protest the movement seems to be gaining momentum and spreading all across the US and Canada as well. The movement which is against corporate greed does not still have a clear mandate according to some and needs to make its demands clear. In Canada a group calling itself Occupy Toronto is planning the movement and will take place across Canada. The group will descend on the city's financial district on Oct 15 at 10 am. Similar protests are being planned in  Calgary, Montreal, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ottawa, Vancouver and Victoria. In the US there will be Occupy Boston, Occupy Oregon, LA, Chicago, Denver Seattle and other places as well. The movement which started of small has now gained momentum and spreading across countries. Similar protests are expected to be seen around the world. The way 'SlutWalk' took off across the globe. Occupy Wall Street the leaderless movement overlaps into many philosophies and SlutWalk is one of them. Many of the people who protest also use the mask that represents the hacktervist group Anonymous. We will be following the group closely and will have daily updates. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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