

Saturday, October 1, 2011

#OccupyWallStreet now trending on Twitter

Occupy Wall Street the campaign against rich Corporate America is finally gaining attention.  something the NYPD did not want and was trying hard to stop. Occupy Wall Street has started to trend because of a lot of police brutality that has been rampant. Something that has not been seen till now is the netting police use to heard people like cattle. We also saw videos of police maceing innocent women. There is another video on the net that shows police arresting children on the Brooklyn bridge. The total number of people arrested till now on the Brooklyn bridge has risen to 700. Last week cops arrested over 8- people at the Union Square Occupy Wall Street protest and one name that stood out was Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna - who point blank pepper sprayed a couple of women who were already in police netting and peacefully protesting. The movement has been getting a lot of support from Hactervist groups like Anonymous on the internet. What started of small is now spreading to many more US cities. Might be small protests but gaining momentum. You would thing people have right in the US. The one comment that keeps popping up in the comments section of all the YouTube videos is that this looks like Chinese Clampdown. Main stream media has mostly stayed away until now. 

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