

Friday, October 21, 2011

Roamz helps you find fun stuff happening in your neighborhood

Roamz the iOS App compatible with the iPhone, iPad Touch and the iPad helps you find interesting things happening in your neighborhood. You can also tie in your social sites like Facebook and Twitter to share your friend circles with the App. Which then searches your social networks and tells you what's the latest around you. You can also connect your Foursquare account to the App to get batter results. Once you connect your social networks to the App it will then search among all your pals and find out the best recommendations for restaurants, fun activities and just generally things happening around you like the best concert to attend on a Friday night. You can also connect your Instagram account to Roamz. You can also share all your fun activities with all your social connections using Roamz.

How does Raomz work

Once you install the app it will search popular social networks to find signals of things happening close to you. It will check for what is happening in your area and present this to you. you can then decided to join in. If you connect all your social networks to Roamz, the App will then search all your contacts and find out what's happening right now and present it to you in a stream, clutter free. There is also a toggle on the home-screen to filter what type of activities you would like to see. You can check for restaurants, concerts or movies in town. 

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