

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Twitter: how do you retweet with a comment

Many uses have asked if this is possible at all. Does Twitter allow you to Retweet with a comment. The Answer is no - this is something that cannot be done on Twitter as of now. What you can do is simply click the Retweet button and retweet a tweet. If however you would like to add a comment there is a simple manual workaround. Copy the whole Tweet, paste it in your tweet box and then add RT in front of it. You must be saying that this is so lame. But that is all that you can do. Once you do this you can retweet with your comment attached. You can also add the @username to ensure that the original tweeters Twitter ID is associated with the Tweet.

Third-party Twitter apps like Tweetdeck have this functionality and allow for Retweeting with comments attached. So for now if you want to Retweet from anywhere else you will have to do it manually. 

An original post by


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