

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Use Pen.io to create and publish a beautiful webpage in seconds

This is one of the simplest web apps available out there to create and publish a webpage. You might ask why do I need to create a webpage when there are so many blog services I could use. With all the new services that have come with the new web, a page still holds the good old joy of the internet. Creating a single web page can also be very specific. Let's say you want to share info about a concert you have organized. use this service to create a webpage in seconds which can then be shared on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to name a few services. It is all about speed and when you first go to Pen.io 

How does Pen.io work and how to use

all you need to do is to enter your webpage name and a password and you're good to go. All web-pages you create however will have the URL ending with pen.io. 

If you do have HTML knowledge for creating a webpage you can add your HTML scripts to create a page. Here are a few ideas that Pen.io has come up with for ways to best use their service.

Publish Essays

Create Pages for Upcoming Events

Share Code Snippets

Publish Ebooks

Share Recipes

There is no end date and so the pages you create are going to stay on the service for as long. If you are done with a page you can then delete. You can also edit your page online and it is all very simple to use. just remember your password and you can edit at anytime. No scripting and other website creating knowledge is required. Simple to use and you can have your poems or ebooks published in seconds. 

An original post by


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