

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What's the right age to give your kids a SmartPhone [Infographic]

So what is the right time to give your kid a mobile phone,smartphone or a tablet. The guys over at sodahead asked their users the very same question. The responses they got have been turned into an infographic and the results are quiet interesting. The poll of 1,066 parents shows that 66 percent of them believe kids should not have a smartphone until they turn 16 years old. With 54 percent saying a regular cell phone is fine for 13 - 15 yea- olds, while nearly a quarter feel that kids under 12 should be given a basic handset. 

Teens who took part in the poll also agree that 16 is the right age for a smartphone but we'll have the cell phone right now, thank you. Another interesting factor is that Dads were more likely to give kids under 12 a cell phone. Most parents would also opt to buy their teens a Wi-Fi tablet, which would ensure home use and keeping an eye on things.

Another interesting result from the survey is that face-time between parents and children has dropped by 30% since 2007. Facebook started becoming popular in Sep 2006. Wonder if there is a connection. So kids now know who to ask for a cell phone - Ask Dad.

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