

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What to do if someone steels you video on YouTube

There have been many users who have had their video stolen and uploaded by someone else on their channel. The surprising thing is that person might be getting more view and more comments. This seems to irk many video creators. Creating video takes a lot of creativity and genius, especially if you have the ability to create viral videos. Whatever may be the case people do steel video on YouTube and worse upload it to their channels. Now this might come as a surprise to some but when you signup on YouTube and start uploading videos. You consent that other users might do as they please with your videos. This is part of YouTube's Terms of Use item 6C. Which States 'You also hereby grant each user of the YouTube Website a non-exclusive license to access your User Submissions through the Website, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display and perform such User Submissions as permitted through the functionality of the Website and under these Terms of Service'. 

So before you lodge a complaint against the person who is stealing and using your videos, you will fist have to delete all those videos off YouTube. After you have done this you can make a complaint either by email or snail mail. You will also need to furnish enough proof of ownership of the video. It is also known as Copyright Infringement Notificaion. 

This is pretty much it and if you find someone else downloading and using your videos the above two steps is what you need to follow to raise a formal complaint. Please use the comments section below to share your thoughts on the same. 

An original post by


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