

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Wilbur Sargunaraj India's original YouTube viral hit maker

Wilbur Sargunaraj is considered by many to be one of India's original YouTube stars. The thing about his videos is that it is very down to earth and involves using everyday common people. The locations are also as original as can be. There is no makeup and the star from the south of India. Films all his videos on location in actual places. He has also gained fame and popularity in Canada and the UK. Where his music shows run to large enough audiences who want a good laugh and some down to earth music. The understand the humor you would need a context and that would be South-India and knowledge of the way English is spoken here. Yes it is very different and grammar mistakes galore. That's what makes it fun though and it is worth checking out. If you are not familiar with the culture prepare for a little bit of a shock. His YouTube channel has over 4 million hits and well not too big you might say, but for an artist that keeps everything ordinary this is quiet a feat. He is not the largest YouTube channel in India but one of the most original. Check out his YouTube channel here and his website here

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